307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Ouch! Do You Have A Cracked Tooth?

Do you get a sharp pain in your tooth only when you bite down? It may disappear and you forget all about it, or you may simply choose to ignore it. You may have a cracked tooth. Pain upon chewing, pain after biting, intermittent pain, and sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures and sticky foods, can all be symptoms of a cracked tooth. A cracked tooth can be hard to diagnose because sometimes the crack may not show up on an X-ray.

If You Suspect You Have a Cracked Tooth

If you suspect that you may have a cracked tooth it is best to bring it to the attention of your dentist. Chewing on a cracked tooth can cause breakage or movement of the cracked pieces and lead to damaged pulp at the very center of your tooth. This could result in infection. If the crack is tiny and does not cause problems your dentist is likely to monitor it at every biannual checkup. However, treatment may require resin bonding, a dental crown, or a root canal depending on the location and the size of the crack.

Reasons For Cracked Teeth

There are several circumstances that may cause a cracked tooth including:

  • Chewing on hard objects such as hard candy or ice
  • Bruxing, the chronic grinding and clenching of your teeth
  • Uneven pressure on the tooth
  • Too much stress on the tooth
  • A previous dental filling or other restoration
  • Tooth wear
  • Exposure to temperature extremes
  • A blow to the mouth

Why Even A Microscopic Crack Needs Treatment

If the crack is more than a surface crack, when you bite down the pressure causes the crack to open. During this period of time bacteria can enter the crack and invade your tooth pulp, the only live part of your tooth. Your pulp consists of live tissue cells, blood vessels, and nerves and a tooth with infected pulp usually requires root canal therapy.

If You Think You Have A Cracked Tooth, Call Us Today!

If you are experiencing symptoms of a cracked tooth, don’t ignore them. Bring them to the attention of your dentist by scheduling an appointment today. Call Modern Dentistry of Shrewsbury in Shrewsbury, MA, at (508) 842-8838. We proudly serve patients from Worcester, North and South Grafton, Westborough, Southborough, Northborough, Boylston, Hopkinton, Millbury, and all surrounding communities.