307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Do You Know What A Dental Emergency Is? Take Our Quiz To See How Much You Know!

We all know how important our teeth are. Without them you can’t chew, which means you can’t eat, which means your health can suffer. Without them it is difficult to speak clearly, and it is too embarrassing to smile. There are several reasons why we may lose teeth, or need to visit a dentist, and sometimes it can be an emergency. Do you know what a dental emergency is? Take our quiz to see how much you know!

Multiple Choice Quiz:

A. Which of the following would be considered a dental emergency?

  1. An avulsed (knocked out) tooth
  2. An extruded (loosened or forced out of position) tooth
  3. A cracked or fractured tooth
  4. All of the above

B. In the case of a dental emergency, you should contact your dentist ASAP, and then:

  1. It the tooth is avulsed, find it and bring it with you to the dentist’s office.
  2. If the tooth is cracked or fractured, rinse your mouth with warm water.
  3. All of the above
  4. None of the above


  1. 4: All three dental injuries would be considered a dental emergency and require immediate treatment. In addition, any cuts to the oral tissue (lips, cheeks, gums) may also require immediate treatment.
  2. 4: If your tooth has been knocked out, find it, rinse it, and keep it moist by placing it in milk, back into the socket, or between your teeth and gum, and bring it with you to the dentist’s office. For a crack or fracture immediately rinse your mouth with warm salt water to clean and disinfect the area. In the case of any dental emergency, time is of the essence, so contact your dentist immediately.