307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

In Case Of A Dental Emergency

Emergencies happen. Unfortunately, there is no getting around it. When a dental emergency does happen, it is good for you to be aware of the steps you should take.  Taking these steps can mean the difference between one successful visit, and the loss of teeth leading to more invasive and expensive dental treatments.

Just a Phone Call Away

If you or your child has a dental emergency all is not lost. You (or they) may be able to come out of it with your, or their, smile intact. There are several steps you can take to assure that your dental emergency is no worse than it has to be. Dr. Pizzi or Dr. Mehdi are on call for existing patients after hours, on weekends, and even during vacations. So if you are experiencing a dental emergency call our office immediately. However, if your emergency is life-threatening call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room.

What to do in the Meantime

Here are some suggestions for handling specific emergencies:

  1. When something is lodged in your teeth: If you have a piece of food or debris lodged between your teeth, floss gently to dislodge it. If that doesn’t work, discontinue flossing to avoid injury until you see the dentist.
  2. For a broken tooth: If you experience a broken tooth, find as many pieces of the tooth as you can and place them in a sealed container.
  3. For bleeding: If bleeding, press a clean cloth or gauze against the area, or bite down on the material, to stop the bleeding.
  4. For a knocked-out tooth: Find the tooth and rinse it under warm water being careful to avoid touching any attached tissue. If possible, place the tooth back into its socket and keep it there by biting down gently. Otherwise, immerse the tooth in a container of saltwater or milk to keep it viable until your dental visit.
  5. For pain: You can take an over-the-counter analgesic to reduce pain and discomfort until you see the dentist.
  6. Swelling: You can also reduce discomfort and swelling by placing a cold compress or icepack on your face near the affected area.