Finding out that you have a cavity can be frustrating, especially when you do your best to prevent them. When you find out you have one, it’s important that it is treated as soon as possible so the area can be treated, and you can avoid a root canal in the future. Your Shrewsbury, MA, dentist offers lifelike materials that make this restoration appear natural so they don’t stick out, and you can feel confident in your smile.
Checkups Can Help Prevent And Detect Decay
As a general rule, you should visit your dentist every six months for a cleaning and examination. These checkups help remove plaque from your teeth that you may not be able to get on your own, and can detect problems such as cavities, gingivitis, and more early on so that it can be treated. If you have skipped a few of your dentist appointments in the past few years, it’s important that you see your dentist as soon as possible. Cavities can often go unnoticed for extended periods of time and can cause significant damage to your tooth if they are not treated promptly.
Fillings Are A Minimally Invasive Way To Protect Your Smile
If you are told that you have a cavity, you will need to schedule a restoration as soon as possible to repair your damaged pearly white and protect it from further harm. In most cases, mild tooth decay can be treated with a dental filling. This procedure is minimally invasive and can be done in a separate appointment than your checkup. The area will first be numbed before the damaged part of your dental structure is removed and composite resin will be bonded in the space left behind. The material used for this restoration has many benefits, including its lifelike appearance and durability, meaning it will blend in with your smile and can last for many years.
Ignoring Treatment Could Require An Extraction
You should have a cavity filled as soon as possible so the decay does not worsen and further damage your dental structure. If this restoration is put off, it can lead to more significant damage of your tooth and could require a root canal or tooth extraction. While tooth extractions are often the last resort, it may be necessary to remove the damaged dental structure to protect the rest of your smile. You may be sedated before this procedure, and then your damaged pearly white will be removed. Prosthetic options may be used later to replace your missing dental structure and maintain your smile’s health and function.
Schedule This Restoration Today
This simple treatment can help protect and repair your tooth after harm. Call the Modern Dentistry of Shrewsbury in MA today at 508-842-8838 today.