307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Emergency Dentistry

Dental emergencies are unexpected, upsetting events. They can also lead to serious consequences for your oral health and appearance if they are not resolved promptly. We make urgent oral health services available to our patients so that severe pain, physical trauma, and other pressing dental matters are resolved with minimal delay.

Your Access To Urgent Services

Emergency dentistry is available to our patients even at times when our practice is not open, as we will have someone on call after hours and during weekends. We should note that if you are experiencing a potentially life-threatening emergency, contact 911 and prioritize general health care before booking dental services.

Your care will be based on the state of your smile and oral health when you arrive. We will look for the most conservative solution that fully resolves the issue that you face.

Care Before Your Emergency Visit

The following steps can help you manage discomfort and protect yourself before you arrive for treatment:

  • Take an over the counter analgesic if you need help managing discomfort before your appointment
  • Clean gauze or fabric pressed gently against an affected area can address bleeding
  • If your tooth is broken, gather the pieces and place them in a sealed container
  • For a dislodged tooth, gently rinse it with warm water while taking care to preserve any organic tissue. Place it back in its socket if possible; if this cannot be done, carry it in an airtight container with milk or saltwater
  • An ice pack or compress can help with any swelling around the affected area
  • If something is stuck between your teeth, only try to dislodge it with dental floss. If this does not work, leave it alone until your appointment so that your dentist can remove it without injuring surrounding tissues

Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury Provides Emergency Care To Our Patients

Because you have access to emergency services as a patient at Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury, an injury or other pressing oral health threat can feel less severe. To find out more about this support, call our dental office in the Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA area at 508-842-8838.