307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

If your tooth is partly or fully dislodged, we can return it to its socket and stabilize it. During a subsequent review, we can assess whether additional care, like a root canal, will need to occur. By taking prompt action, you lower your risk for this kind of traumatic injury to result in your tooth being permanently lost!

Dealing With The Fallout From A Serious Tooth Injury

Timing matters when your tooth is partly or fully dislodged. We do make emergency dental services available when this and other serious issues arise. The sooner you undergo work, the less likely it is that your tooth will have to be fully removed.

To further reduce your risk for permanent tooth loss, handling your tooth carefully will be important. If it remains partly in place or can be returned to its socket, only attempt to set it back in place gently. Guiding the tooth with your tongue and carefully pushing it into its socket can help it remain safe. If this is uncomfortable or not possible for another reason, transporting it safely is key. Keep it in a container with milk or water with salt to prevent it from drying out.

Saving Your Tooth After A Traumatic Injury

Dental trauma can result in your tooth being partly or fully dislodged. In these situations, our practice is prepared to help. When you come in for treatment, we will provide the necessary review to see what can be done to preserve your full smile. For more information on how we help in this and similar circumstances, call Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury today at 508-842-8838.