307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Start Fresh with Cosmetic Dentistry

If the last time you loved your smile there was a “19” something in front of the year or you were still renting VHS tapes every weekend, you are probably overdue for a visit to the dentist. More specifically, you might find you could benefit from cosmetic dentistry as a way to improve the look of your smile! Treatments like professional whitening can help turn back the clock, metaphorically speaking, while bonding or veneers can help hide jagged edges caused by years of wear and other imperfections. So, if you’d like to start the new year with a bright, fresh smile, it’s time to pick up your unbelievably small cell phone and to call your cosmetic dentist.

How Cosmetic Enhancements Can Leave You with Renewed Confidence

Imperfections in your teeth or gums can make it hard to feel confident showing off your smile, or even spending time with the people you love. But cosmetic dentistry makes it possible to stop hiding your smile, and start enjoying showing it off.

Whitening is one of the fastest, most affordable and popular forms of cosmetic dentistry. That’s because it can drastically reduce staining in very little time, leaving you with a much brighter, younger-looking smile.

Bonding is another fast and affordable option, one which can correct a number of flaws, such as disproportionally small or misshapen teeth. It’s completed by the dentist who will add composite resin (the same material used for many modern dental fillings) to the teeth, and then sculpt it to create more even and symmetrical teeth.

Veneers accomplish similar results, but the enhancement can be even longer lasting because of dental porcelain’s strength and stain resistance. Veneers are also more expensive, but if you want a beautiful and durable form of cosmetic dentistry, veneers are often ideal.