307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Another Easy Dental Treatment!

In our last blog, we discussed dental bonding, as a quick and easy dental treatment. But that is not the only easy dental treatment available. There is also dental contouring. Dental bonding and dental contouring are often combined into one treatment, but they are also performed as separate treatments in and of themselves. So, as we mentioned in our last blog, dental bonding is not the only easy treatment, there is another easy dental treatment, dental contouring!

What is Dental Contouring?

Dental contouring is a quick, easy, and affordable procedure that consists of gently polishing away a minimal portion of your enamel to improve the appearance of your teeth. It requires no prep work, it is cost-effective, and can be used to:

  • Create a uniform smile
  • Round the edges of “vampire” teeth
  • Smooth out jagged or uneven teeth
  • Remove ridges
  • Correct slightly overlapping teeth

Is Contouring Right for You?

If you have enough enamel thickness, and would like to remove minor surface imperfections, or are looking to do any of the above, you may be a candidate for contouring. However, if you have chipped or cracked teeth, gaps, craze lines, pits, or would like a few teeth lengthened, bonding may be the more appropriate solution. By consulting with Dr. Pizzi and Dr. Mehdi regarding your concerns and cosmetic goals, together you can decide if one or both treatments are right for you.