307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Will My Smile Look Natural After Dental Bonding?

A dental bonding treatment can hide flaws that are hurting how you look. You may need to cover up a problem with a discolored tooth, physical damage, or even some adjustment issues. Will your cosmetic dental improvements provide you with changes that look natural? Individuals who hesitate to undergo cosmetic treatment may be wary that people will find their adjustments noticeable. By using composite resin, which is also used to make esthetically pleasing dental fillings, your dentist can ensure the results of your bonding treatment will leave you with natural-looking improvements. Quality cosmetic work can provide you with changes that appear to be as natural as your surrounding teeth.

Using Cosmetic Care To Address A Range Of Different Needs

Cosmetic care from your dentist can provide big changes to a range of concerns. Are you self-conscious because of a chipped or cracked tooth? Is a congenitally flawed tooth creating spacing or overlap issues? Dental bonding – sometimes in tandem with tooth contouring – can make impressive corrections that allow you to show off big improvements to how you look.

How Do I Protect My Cosmetic Work?

While you could be riding a wave of excitement as you prepare to show off your new smile after cosmetic work, you could feel a sense of anxiety over preserving those changes. Your cosmetic treatment will not demand a radical change in how you keep up with your oral health. However, if you have exhibited poor preventive care habits in the past, committing to one of these treatments should encourage you to make improvements. You can have your dentist check on the condition of your treatment during regular dental exams.

Talk To Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury About A Dental Bonding Treatment

If you want big improvements to your smile, without taking on an unnatural appearance, talk to Modern Dentistry of Shrewsbury about a dental bonding treatment. Bonding can help make corrections to flawed teeth that fit in naturally with the rest of your smile. From our office in Shrewsbury, MA, we proudly welcome local residents, as well as residents from Worcester, North and South Grafton, Westborough, Southborough, Northborough, Boylston, Hopkinton, Millbury, and all other surrounding areas. Contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Pizzi, Dr. Mehdi, and colleagues by calling (508) 842-8838.