307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Preparing For The Placement Of Your Porcelain Veneers

If you are ready to act on your desire to fix your smile flaws, porcelain veneers can offer terrific improvements. Patients who receive veneers will see positive changes to the color of their teeth, and to their shape and condition. In fact, you can essentially see veneers as offering a smile makeover, as this one procedure can have a dynamic improvement on how you look. One question you may have about veneers is how they are placed. After all, these cosmetic restorations are permanently affixed to teeth. You may worry about how easy it is to keep them in place, and what it takes to set them. What you should know is that with minimal preparatory work, it is possible for your dentist to set your veneers so that they stay secure for many years.

Placing Your Veneers

During an initial appointment, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth, so the ceramist can craft custom veneers. In order to make sure your veneers stay in place, your dentist may have to remove a small amount of enamel. This helps ensure that veneers bond sufficiently, and do not have a protruding look once placed.

What Kind Of Changes Can You See After The Placement Of Veneers?

You can make changes to several different flaws currently affecting your smile when you have veneers placed. Discoloration – even intrinsic discoloration whitening agents fail to address – can be taken care of. You can also make teeth look healthier, and add to the size of smaller teeth.

Should You Consider An Additional Cosmetic Treatment?

For many patients, the placement of veneers is enough to transform their smile. However, in some cases, people can benefit from additional work. If your gum tissue is bulky or uneven, you can accompany your veneer placement with a gum contouring treatment. Worried about lines around your mouth? Your dentist can supply Botox or dermal fillers to help make your smile look younger and more attractive.

Talk To Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury About Having Porcelain Veneers Placed

At Modern Dentistry of Shrewsbury, you can make big cosmetic changes to your smile by receiving porcelain veneers. Contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Pizzi, Dr. Mehdi, and colleagues by reaching our office at (508) 842-8838. Located in Shrewsbury, MA, we are proud to welcome patients from Worcester, North and South Grafton, Westborough, Southborough, Northborough, Boylston, Hopkinton, Millbury, and all other nearby communities.