At our Shrewsbury, MA dental practice, we provide restorative dental work that puts a stop to the harm done by tooth decay. We also offer lifelike restorations that can keep your tooth protected in the long run. Even a minor issue with tooth decay ends with your tooth suffering permanent damage. While the material you lose cannot be restored through natural healing, a dental filling can make sure that your tooth is strong enough to continue handling biting and chewing support, while keeping you safe from a future infection. We can help take care of minor cavities, but we are also ready to provide support if you have a more serious issue with tooth decay that calls for a root canal treatment.
An Untreated Cavity Can Cause Internal Problems For Your Tooth
If a cavity continues to grow, and is not addressed, you can suffer from unpleasant complications that put your tooth in real jeopardy! At first, a cavity will cause damage to your enamel. The unfortunate truth is that even a small cavity causes irreversible harm, but a prompt response from your dentist can limit how much permanent damage you experience. If a problem is allowed to continue unchecked, decay can lead to an internal tooth infection that causes pain, and puts your tooth at risk of being lost! At this point, your dentist will have to address the infection via a root canal – if this does not happen in time, bacteria can spread the a tooth’s root, and create even more issues for you.
Restoring Your Tooth With A Lifelike Dental Restoration
Once a cavity is treated, the condition of your tooth will need to be addressed. Modern restorations provide functional support so that you are able to bite and chew without discomfort, and without worrying that your tooth will become damaged again. These restorations can also mimic the appearance of healthy dental enamel, so you will not have to worry about how you look when you smile when you come out of treatment!
The Role Checkups Play In Protecting You Against Tooth Decay
While you can be happy to know that you have access to quality dental care, your goal should always be to stay cavity-free! During regular dental checkups, you can receive warnings about the state of your smile, just as you can be advised that you need a dental filling. Because routine appointments also involve professional dental cleanings, these regular visits can actually help you remain free of dental troubles going forward.
Talk To Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury To Arrange Treatment For Tooth Decay
At Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury, patients can count on great care if they need to have work done in response to a cavity. We are proud to provide a range of dental services to the Shrewsbury community, and those in neighboring and nearby areas. Contact us to schedule an appointment by calling our office at (508) 842-8838.