307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Having Trouble With A Loose Denture?

If your denture no longer feels as comfortable as it used to, or if it feels harder to keep it in place, you can be understandably concerned. After all, your prosthetic has an important task – it can provide beneficial cosmetic improvements, and it can make routine dental functions easier. People who have removable dentures may grow uncomfortable over time because of jawbone deterioration. Without the stimulation from the roots of your teeth, the bone can lose density, and that can affect the fit of your restoration. With a dental implant-held denture, you can put this issue behind you. Our Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA dentist’s office is prepared to help if you are bothered by a loose denture, or if you are looking into your first full prosthetic arch.

Why Dentures Start To Feel Uncomfortable Over Time

Losing teeth means losing the roots of your teeth, something that can have a big impact on the health of your jawbone. Without the roots in place to stimulate the bone, your body no longer receives signals to send nutrients to your jaw and support its health. As a result, a gradual deterioration can take place, which can change the support you have from a removable denture. As time passes, it may become increasingly difficult to keep your prosthetic in place, and that can lead to discomfort as well as feelings of self-consciousness.

Using Implants To Hold A Prosthetic In Place

Patients who want to enjoy better support from a denture can look into treatment that includes the placement of permanent dental implants. During a thorough evaluation, we can determine where your implants should be placed and angled. The right locations are important, because we can rely on a limited number of these artificial roots to keep a full dental arch in place. After you receive your implants and go through an appropriate healing period, you will return to our practice to have your denture permanently secured.

Life After Your Permanent Restoration Is Placed

When you have a permanent denture held in place with implants, you can enjoy more than just protection from jawbone deterioration. You can also find that it is easier to speak, bite, and chew thanks to the added stability of your restoration. Of course, to see the most value from your treatment, you should commit to good preventive habits after your work is done. Your dentist can offer tips on maintaining your prosthetic and preventing problems with implants. We can also offer regular support during your routine exams.

Talk To Your Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA Dentist About Your Loose Dentures

Through the placement of a permanent, implant-held denture, we can help you enjoy more comfort and functional support from prosthetic work. To learn more about this and other services that we offer, please call Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury at (508) 842-8838.