307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Placing Same-Day Dental Crowns

When you have an aching tooth, or one with serious damage, then we may provide care with a dental crown. But instead of requiring two to three days off work, we can create and place them in only one appointment! In today’s blog, your Shrewsbury, MA, dentist talks about the process of securing same-day dental crowns.

When a Tooth Needs Improvement

A crown covers the visible portion of your tooth, and can address restorative concerns, such as a chipped, cracked, or worn-down tooth. Repair is possible for tooth decay, and they can address infections by completing a root canal procedure. We’ve used them to help improve overall bite balance and chewing capabilities, and to aid in tooth replacement by fixing a bridge in place or restoring a single tooth dental implant. The material used to create them, porcelain, can be shaded to blend with the rest of the smile seamlessly. Their custom nature also preserves the balance of your bite too.

Creating and Placing Same-Day Restorations

How do we create and place them in one appointment? To begin, our team will numb the tooth receiving a restoration, and then gently remove some outer structure to make room for the restoration itself. Once we do, we will take detailed digital images of the tooth from multiple angles. We then use these to create a 3D impression of the tooth. The impressions and images we take are then used to design them, and the information is uploaded into an onsite milling machine. The crown is crafted from a solid block of porcelain. We then check the fit, make any needed adjustments, and attach it with a powerful bonding agent. You then leave with a completely restored smile!

Keeping Your Restoration Bright

To keep them bright and also protect the teeth we’ve attached your restoration to, you need to maintain good oral hygiene habits. These actions also safeguard your other teeth too. Be sure you reduce your consumption of sugary and starch-rich meals and drinks, and also avoid tobacco products. Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes, and floss every evening. Finally, be sure to see our team every six months for a checkup and cleaning visit. These actions may seem simple, but they can help keep cavities and even gum disease at bay.

If you have any questions about our same-day dental crowns, then contact our team today to learn more.

Speak With Your Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA Dentist’s Office About Same-Day Crowns

With the placement of a custom restoration, we can protect the health, function, and beauty of your smile. If you would like to find out more about our lifelike dental restorations, please reach out to Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury at (508) 842-8838.