When patients come to us with questions about teeth straightening, they often do so strictly for aesthetic reasons. What they don’t always realize is that having straighter teeth has other benefits, too, especially where your oral health is concerned.
Straight Teeth Are Clean Teeth
Plaque and tartar are notorious for hiding within the various crevices and crannies within your mouth, such as those formed by crooked or overlapping teeth. Because these areas are more difficult to reach with dental floss and your toothbrush, they often go neglected–especially if you don’t visit your dentist for professional cleaning every six months. As bacteria and food accumulate in these areas, they release toxins that infect and irritate your gums. Left untreated, the problem leads to periodontal disease, which so happens to be the leading cause of adult tooth loss. Not a good look!
Invisalign and ClearCorrect vs. Traditional Braces
Gone are the days when straightening your teeth meant wearing flashy metal braces. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign and ClearCorrect make caring for your teeth easy during treatment. First, consider the accoutrements of metal braces: orthodontic wax, Proxabrushes, special orthodontic tape for flossing. It’s not unusual to hear patients say that wearing metal braces adds an hour or longer to their daily oral hygiene regimen! Traditional braces can also create some embarrassing faux pas for the wearer. Food becomes trapped between the hardware, and bad breath is more likely. With invisible braces, you simply remove your aligners when it’s time to brush, floss, or enjoy a meal.
Clear Braces, Universal Appeal
Although metal braces have proven effective for many years, it’s clear that they aren’t as aesthetically pleasing as their modern alternatives. Our patients note that their clear aligners are all but invisible during wear, so they needn’t worry about others focusing on the tell-tale glint of metal. This makes ClearCorrect and Invisalign ideal for teens and adults alike. Dr. Pizzi notes that we also offer Six Month Smiles, an accelerated straightening treatment that delivers dramatic results in minimal time.
Say goodbye to metal mouth. To learn more about teeth straightening in Shrewsbury, MA, or to schedule an appointment at Modern Dentistry of Shrewsbury, contact us at (508) 842-8838. We welcome patients living in Worcester, Hopkinton, North and South Grafton, Westborough, and the neighboring communities.