307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Are You Ready to Stop Snoring?

Snoring always looks so cute in cartoons, with a little feather or piece of paper fluttering by the animated sleeper’s face so daintily. From dry mouth to annoying your partner in the middle of the night, when snoring happens in real life, it becomes significantly less cute. When you’re ready to stop those night noises, you have some decent options. Consider these lifestyle changes to stop mild snoring. When it comes to snoring, simple differences can make a big impact.

Change Your Sleeping Position

Snoring occurs when the soft tissues at the back of your throat narrow because your throat is so relaxed. The air traveling through this smaller passage starts to vibrate and resonate. One way to stop your throat from relaxing to that degree is to alter your sleeping position. Snoring typically happens in the back sleeping position. If you flip onto your side, for example, your airway won’t restrict as much. If you’re a dedicated back-sleeper, however, this may take some perseverance to adjust to.

Change Your Bedtime Routine

Sleep deprivation, ironically, is one of the risk factors for snoring. Going to bed at the same time every night can help establish a good routine and improve your so-called “sleep hygiene.” Another important facet of an anti-snoring bedtime routine is going to bed without alcohol in your system. Alcohol will further relax your throat, making it more likely for you to snore.

Change Your Nutrition

If you have some weight you could stand to lose, that is you’re either overweight or obese, shedding those pounds can help you end the snoring. Those extra fatty tissues can add to the obstruction of your airway, which leads to snoring. If you find your snoring often leads to gasping or choking at night or chest pain, you may have a more serious condition called Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Talk to your dentist if you have any questions or concerns about your specific case.