307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

We Can Restore The Appearance Of A Damaged Tooth

Dental damage that alters your smile can be frustrating. Unfortunately, our teeth tend to remain damaged after experiencing a chip or crack, which means dental care is necessary if you want to address the matter, and regain your smile. Our Shrewsbury, MA dental practice understands how embarrassing it can be to have your smile affected by visible dental trauma. We provide multiple cosmetic dental treatment options for our patients, and we can find a solution that effectively restores the way you look. If the injury you suffer affects your oral health, or makes it difficult for you to put bite pressure on a tooth, we can discuss restorative dental work.

An Injured Tooth Can Hurt Your Smile

When a tooth is visibly chipped or cracked, the overall quality of your smile can suffer. You can worry that people form negative assumptions about you because of untreated damage, and you may become embarrassed to smile in photographs. Some people who have issues with dental damage can even find themselves changing the way they speak in order to avoid embarrassment. You should not feel that your smile is lost forever because of a dental injury. We can provide cosmetic dental services that lead to incredible results while requiring minimal changes to your tooth structure. You can even discover that the problem can be completely restored in just one appointment.

Bonding And Contouring Work Can Restore A Tooth’s Appearance In Just One Appointment

For people who are embarrassed by dental injuries, bonding and contouring work can lead to meaningful improvements after just one appointment. During this treatment, your dentist can hide chips, cracks, and other dental flaws without using permanent restorations. Contouring can even out a chipped tooth, and the bonding procedure can hide chips and cracks. Through this work, we can even make sure a damaged tooth matches the color of its neighbors, so it fully fits in with your smile. Unless you are having work done on multiple teeth, you can look forward to this work being completed in just one visit, so you can start showing off your improved smile without delay!

Should You Have Your Injured Tooth Restored With A Crown?

In some cases, it is appropriate to restore an injured tooth with a dental crown, rather than trying to hide the problem with cosmetic dental work. A custom crown can be produced at our office in just one visit thanks to E4D technology, so we can make sure that this procedure does not lead to a frustrating delay in your smile restoration.

Talk To Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury About Restoring The Appearance Of A Damaged Tooth

At Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury, patients who are tired of looking at a smile affected by dental damage can enjoy the benefits of custom cosmetic work! Our practice is ready to help you find the right solution to your dental concerns, and see a meaningful change in the way you look. Contact us to schedule an appointment by calling our office at (508) 842-8838.