307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Can Dental Veneers Really Address All Of My Smile Flaws?

How long does it take to see real results from cosmetic dental work? Even if people are excited to make changes to the way they look, the idea of a long or involved procedure can make them reluctant to speak with their dentist. At our Shrewsbury, MA dental practice, we can make cosmetic work more convenient than you may believe possible. By restoring your smile with dental veneers, we can address many different problems in the span of just a single procedure. When custom veneers are placed on your teeth, you can see improvements to their shape, size, and color. People who are interested in cosmetic work often see veneers as a convenient and effective means of undergoing a full smile makeover!

Veneers Have Helped Patients Transform The Way They Look

People who want to know more about cosmetic dental work can be excited to hear about the many benefits that porcelain veneers provide them. When they are put in place, veneers can cover up problems with discoloration, while also hiding issues with dental damage, or gradual wear and tear. You can also count on these restorations to correct naturally occurring problems with the shape or size of your teeth. In some cases, veneers can actually work as an alternative to orthodontic treatment by hiding gaps and overlaps.

What Does Treatment With Dental Veneers Involve?

The complete process of restoring a person’s smile with veneers can be completed in just two appointments.

  • At your first appointment, your dentist will take measurements that are needed to construct just the right veneers for your individual teeth. This initial visit can also include some preparatory work to make sure your restorations fit naturally, and look right when in place.
  • After your veneers are crafted, you can return to have them placed on your teeth. The bonding process ensures that these restorations stay in place permanently. You can count on your veneers to maintain their appearance through years of biting and chewing, as they are designed for long-term durability.

What Other Cosmetic Treatment Options Can You Benefit From?

If your concerns about your smile revolve around the color of your teeth, not their condition, a teeth whitening procedure can be beneficial. During a whitening procedure, stains that have gathered on your enamel can be removed so that your teeth once again appear bright and white. If you want to make corrections to the shape and size of your teeth without permanent restorations, you can have tooth bonding work performed. Rather than restore your teeth with veneers, your dentist will use composite resin to carefully make changes to the way they look. This can lead to less work on your tooth structure, and it can ensure you complete work after just one appointment.

Talk To Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury About Dental Veneers

Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury is ready to help you show off your best smile, thanks to modern cosmetic treatment. Contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Pizzi, Dr. Mehdi, and colleagues by calling our office at (508) 842-8838.