307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Are You Insecure About Your Smile?

A warm, confident smile can be a great way to greet a room, it can make a strong impression in social and professional situations, and it can make you feel more comfortable with your overall appearance. Unfortunately, many people lack that kind of confidence in their appearance. If you are one of them, you should know that the right improvements can be easier to see than you anticipate. At our Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA dentist’s office, you can learn about the positive impact that a cosmetic dental procedure can have on the way you look. Even if you have several issues with your smile right now, you can find that one treatment is all that you need to see your ideal results!

What Can Cosmetic Dental Work Really Do For You?

There are several changes that people can hope to make through cosmetic dental work. As you look into your options for treatment, you can find that the range of services available make the right results easier to attain than you expect. To produce significant changes with a single procedure, we can recommend treatment with porcelain veneers. These custom shells are affixed to teeth to make improvements to their shape, size, and color. Another option is to undergo tooth bonding treatment, which can produce welcome results while only making limited changes to your enamel.

Can I See Results In One Appointment?

We can look into your treatment options if you want to see results after just one appointment. Depending on the number of teeth that need work, and the level care they require, we may be able to provide a tooth bonding procedure in just one visit. Another option is to undergo a teeth whitening treatment. This focuses on removing stains to make your enamel appear brighter. Because we use a special curing light to activate the effects of the gels we use to brighten teeth, we can have your work done in just one visit!

Restorative Dental Work And Your Smile

If you have active oral health problems that require our attention, we can discuss restorative dental services with you. Because we provide restorations that match the appearance of healthy enamel, this can actually have a positive impact on the way you look. Our custom crowns can provide bite support and protection against damage for vulnerable or unhealthy teeth, but they can also provide esthetic improvements.

Talk To Your Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA Dentist About Cosmetic Dental Work

If you want to enjoy a truly confident smile, let your Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA dentist know of this. When you do so, you can start a beneficial conversation about different cosmetic services. If you want to know more about how we can help you improve your smile, call Modern Dentistry Of Shrewsbury at (508) 842-8838.