307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Love Your Life Even More with Porcelain Veneers

Do you have a happy family and a happy life, except for one glaring exception, your smile? What could be a more important aspect of your appearance than your smile? While teeth imperfections can cause a great deal of insecurity and even stress, they don’t have to keep you feeling down forever. Veneers are an incredibly fast and comprehensive way to correct smile concerns, from minor gaps due to alignment issues, and jagged edges caused by wear, veneers can help erase those imperfections, giving you the kind of smile you’ll love sharing with your family, first and foremost, and everyone else.

Why Veneers Make Excellent Treatment

Veneers are made of durable dental porcelain, the same kind used in many modern crowns because of its ability to stand up to years of wear and staining foods. They are also customized to fit each patient’s needs, while respecting the characteristics that make your smile your own. You don’t want an overly bleached, or too-large smile, after all. You want a natural-looking enhancement; veneers can accomplish this.

What to Expect from Treatment

During your initial consultation, the dentist will consult with you about your cosmetic concerns, check on your overall oral health, and ask what desires you have for your improved smile. Then, measurements will be taken, and likely photographs, as well, to help the dentist design veneers that can create your ideal smile.

It generally takes a few visits to complete cosmetic treatment. After the initial consultation the dentist will gently prepare your existing teeth and then you may be fitted with temporary veneers. When your permanent veneers are completed, the dentist will then affix them, helping to hide any imperfections with your teeth.

With excellent care, veneers can last more than ten years, providing you with long-lasting improvement and the increased confidence that comes along with it.