Through implant dentistry, we can help patients who have lost teeth regain confidence in their appearance and their bite function. What might surprise you is that this approach to prosthetic work is effective at more than just supporting individual restorations. With a series of carefully placed implants, we can hold a full denture! What this […]
Restoring Teeth Hurt By Bruxism
Without meaning to, you can spend your nights doing serious harm to your smile. Individuals who suffer from bruxism, or habitual teeth grinding, can wear down their enamel unconsciously. As long as this problem persists, it can create issues with enamel becoming chipped and cracked, which can lead to problems for your appearance as well […]
Covering Flaws Through Bonding Treatment
Through different cosmetic dental procedures, our Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA area dentist’s office can provide many desirable improvements. What can surprise you is how effective a conservative treatment can be at making noteworthy improvements to your appearance. Through a tooth bonding procedure, we can carefully cover problems with teeth that stand out because of a darker or […]
Cosmetic Services For A Discolored Smile
Once you become concerned about the color of your smile, it can be hard to shake the negative feelings you have about your appearance. Until you do something about this issue, it can be difficult for you to smile or even speak without worrying that people are aware of just how dull your enamel has […]
Trusting Dental Implants To Hold Dentures
When you think about what dentures can do for a person, do you limit yourself to thoughts of how a removable denture can support them? If so, you can overlook the advantages of having this restoration held in place with a set of dental implants. Our Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA area dentist’s office can provide hybrid dentures. […]
Correcting Smile Flaws With Veneers
Do you really have to bring your smile flaws with you into the new year? If you talk to your Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA dentist’s office about cosmetic dental work, you can find that you are able to leave embarrassing problems with spacing, discoloration, dental damage, and more behind. We offer different cosmetic services, including treatment with […]
Using Same-Day Crowns To Protect Teeth
Our teeth may be strong, but they are vulnerable to both physical damage and decay. When problems arise, they need strong support to preserve your bite function and health. At our Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA dentist’s office, we can provide that protection in less time than you might expect. Technology in our office enables us to produce […]
Discovering The Benefits Of Implant Dentistry
After you lose teeth, you may assume that there are certain issues that you will not be able to resolve. Even if you receive a dental prosthetic, will you feel comfortable using it to bite and chew? Can you rely on it to keep neighboring teeth safe? What can prosthetic work really do for your […]
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Corrections For Issues With Teeth Spacing
If you have problems with how far apart certain teeth are, or if awkward overlaps make you unhappy with your smile, the right approach to treatment can help. What might surprise you is how easy it is to adjust to that “right” approach, as we can offer Invisalign aligners as an alternative to traditional orthodontic […]
Are You Ready To Make Your Smile Brighter?
Losing confidence in your smile because of dental discoloration can certainly be frustrating. If you attempt to use a store bought whitening treatment to address this problem, you can see some results, but the can fall short of the improvements you want to see. Fortunately, you can discuss treatment options with your Shrewsbury/Grafton, MA area […]