Did you know studies show over 12 million people in the United States suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? Without treatment, this widespread disorder can lead to sleep deprivation and a myriad of complications for your overall health. Fortunately, we can help! Do you have questions about our sleep apnea treatments? […]
When Should Your Kid First Visit A Dentist?
Did you know that although your child might just be starting to have their baby teeth come in, underneath them, their adult teeth are also beginning to develop within their jawbones? The health of their baby teeth now can have a profound effect on the quality of their adult teeth. Around their second birthday, or […]
The Benefits Of Dental Checkups
No matter how excellent of an oral health care routine you are keeping at home, no matter if you’re brushing and flossing twice a day, rinsing your mouth after every meal, etc. etc. there are still issues that arise that you might miss. This can leave you vulnerable to serious dental health issues. Scheduling regular […]
Learn And Laugh At Family Fun Night
The Harvard Ed Portal (a collaborative partnership between Harvard University, the City of Boston, The Harvard Allston Task Force, and the Allston-Brighton community) will be having a Allston-Brighton Family Fun Night on April 28, 2017 at 6pm. There will be interactive games, experiments, yoga workshops, bike fixing workshops, as well as dinner for everyone to […]
Rest Easier And Treat Your Snoring
Have you been suffering from constant exhaustion during the day? Have you begun to feel like you barely get any sleep no matter how early you go to bed? Has your significant other had to move to the couch to get some peace and quiet during the night? This might be due to sleep apnea, […]
Slither To The Rainforest Reptile Show
On April 21st Rainforest Reptile Shows will be back for an entertaining and educational event for both kids and adults. Professional herpetologists will conduct a 1 hour show to teach kids and parents about reptiles, their habitats, and the importance of being environmentally conscious. The show will feature toads, lizards, snakes, a tortoise and even […]
Brighten Your Stained Teeth Fast!
No matter how much you brush, floss, or rinse you’re more than likely going to endure stained teeth at some point in your life. Although stained teeth aren’t a major concern for your overall oral health, it can have a big effect on your smile’s esthetics. Discoloration can leave you with a smile that is […]
What Are The Benefits Of A Dental Crown?
Cavities or cracks in your teeth can have a number of adverse effects on your oral health. Besides negatively affecting your smile’s appearance, it can cause you to have an unhealthy bite, as well as make you vulnerable to infection. Thankfully, your tooth’s appearance and overall health can be improved with a dental crown. In […]
Enjoy The Day Of Dance On April 18th
Dancing is a form of expression as old as humanity. We use it for art, for love, and for fun! Wouldn’t it be nice for your kids to learn how to dance? Come join Dance It Up for a day of fun on Tuesday, April 18th. Instructors from the studio will teach your children dances […]
How Can I Help My Kids Fight Tooth Decay?
During their early years, your child’s teeth are more susceptible to cavities and decay. This risk is heightened even more when they regularly enjoy sugary candies and sodas. It can be hard to tell your kid “no” to something that seems so harmless. Even so, these treats can do serious damage to their teeth, containing […]