How can your jaw give you a headache, you may wonder…or neck pain, or tension in your shoulders? The fact is, it can. All the parts of our bodies are connected, not just by bones, but by way of muscles, ligaments, nerves, tissue, veins, arteries, and blood vessels. For instance, a very large nerve called […]
Why Are My Teeth Tired?
Do your teeth feel tired? That may seem like a silly question, and it actually is. What we mean is do your gums feel tired and achy? Does your jaw feel tired and achy too? Do the roots of your teeth seem to ache? Do you wonder why? If you answer yes to the questions […]
Find Out How Much You Know About Cosmetic Dentistry: A Quiz
General dentistry, preventive dentistry, restorative, orthodontics, periodontics, cosmetic…oh my! What are all these labels? The fact is that many types of dentistry overlap. Restorative treatments are often the same as cosmetic treatments. The only difference is why you are getting the treatment. There is a fine line sometimes between restorative and cosmetic treatment. Restorative dentistry […]
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6 Types Of Periodontal Disease
When discovered in its earliest stages gum disease can be reversed, but as it progresses that is not so. Left untreated gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease, can advance to periodontitis and eventually lead to tooth loss and other more serious health problems. Although all patients need to know is that they have gum […]
How Not To Brush Your Teeth
Did you know that if you don’t brush your teeth correctly that you can do more harm than good? Not only is there a correct way to brush your teeth, there are definitely things that you should not do when brushing. Studies have proven that if you brush your teeth incorrectly, you can harm your […]
How Do You Prevent Cavities?
Whether you’re young or old, cavities always pose a risk to your smile. Without treatment, minor decay can soon lead to more serious oral health concerns, even threatening the stability of the tooth in question. How do you prevent cavities? Fortunately, there are preventive measures you and your dentist can take to help safeguard your […]
How Do You Manage Gum Disease?
Once you develop gum disease there is no cure. However, with a preventive approach to your oral health, we can help you successfully manage the disease and stave off the advanced stages, such as periodontitis. How do you manage gum disease? We can use ultrasonic scaling to help improve your oral health and prevent the […]
My Teeth Are Too Big! What Can I Do?
Are you unhappy with the shape of your teeth? Or maybe you just have that one tooth that you notice every time you look in the mirror, and your positively sure that everybody else notices it, too, every time you smile. On the other hand, perhaps you feel as though your teeth are too big. […]
Dental Bonding FAQs
There are many dental treatments today to accommodate everyone. There are short-term, long-term, expensive, inexpensive, invasive, less-invasive, minimally invasive, non-invasive, and on and on. Although having many choices is great, it can also be overwhelming. What is the right dental treatment for you? Which ones fit into your budget and time-constraints? Should you opt for […]
Labor Day Weekend In Shrewsbury, MA
We like to encourage our patients to take part in their community to meet new people, make new friends, and cultivate new interests. It can be fun and rewarding. So, if you’re looking for something to do this Labor Day weekend in Shrewsbury, MA, bring the whole family, grandparents, teens, and all, to Old Sturbridge […]