Some popular cosmetic dental procedures, such as porcelain veneers and orthodontic treatment, require multiple office visits and patience to achieve optimal results. However, we understand that not everyone has the luxury of arranging their schedule to accommodate their treatment, and that some want near-instant gratification if possible. If you find that there aren’t enough hours […]
4 Undeniable Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry
Not that you need an excuse to feel better about yourself, but can you imagine what it would be like to feel totally at ease with the appearance of your smile? The saying goes that looks aren’t everything, but this is of little comfort to someone who shies away from others for fear of being […]
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Should You Bridge the Gap or Let It Go?
We appreciate a unique smile as much as the next, but sometimes the things that make your smile different can also pose threats to your oral health. Gaps between teeth are a perfect example. A small gap between front teeth adds character, some would say, but an entire missing tooth? Not so much. And if […]
Healthy Treats That Can Actually Stain Your Teeth
Why is it that some of the best-tasting foods are the worst for our bodies? Or just when you think you’ve found the perfect healthy food, it turns out that there’s some hidden health threat? It’s not that you have to abstain from enjoying these foods altogether, but it’s helpful to understand which foods might […]
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Decoding Your Smile Style | Cosmetic Dentist in Shrewsbury
We usually associate a smile with feelings of happiness and love, but not all smiles are used to convey the same emotions. Regardless of what feelings you hope to convey with your smile, one thing is for sure: Smiling is much easier when you like what you have to offer, says Dr. Todd Pizzi at […]
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Now That You’ve Quit Smoking…
Breaking any bad habit is hard, especially when dealing with one as addictive as using tobacco. What better way to reward yourself for your efforts than by restoring your smile to its former glory? Dr. Todd Pizzi, a cosmetic dentist who provides teeth whitening in Shrewsbury, MA, discusses treatment options for patients whose oral health […]
Drugstore Teeth Whitening: A Do or a Don’t?
Perhaps you’ve seen the ads featuring smiling, attractive men and women extolling the merits of over-the-counter teeth whitening products. The commercials make it look so easy! Who wouldn’t want to whiten their teeth while running errands, sitting in class, or driving home from work? Despite their obvious appeal, OTC whitening strips and bleaching kits aren’t […]
The Tooth Loss Dream: What Does It Mean?
There are some dreams that seem to happen to everyone at some point, from the humiliating (homeroom, no pants) to the surreal (flying over rooftops). We usually laugh these dreams off, but what about the unsettling dream—nightmare, even—in which your teeth fall out? At Modern Dentistry of Shrewsbury, we don’t really consider ourselves expert dream […]
Contouring for Troublesome Tooth Textures
In the quest for the perfect smile, few people stop to consider how the texture of their teeth impacts their grin. The enamel may be pearly white and strong, but pits, ridges, and grooves in the tooth surface can dull your smile, lending an uneven appearance. Not everyone is a good match for porcelain veneers, […]
Answering Patients’ Questions About Porcelain Veneers
Teeth whitening may be the most popular cosmetic dental treatment in the country, but what about those who need a little more help perfecting their smile? Dr. Todd Pizzi, a cosmetic dentist offering porcelain veneers in Shrewsbury, MA, discusses the use of veneers to treat several flaws that might be holding back your smile. In […]
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