Every day dentists are asking their patients those four words they dread to hear, “Have you been flossing?”. People tend to skip flossing because they either think that their toothbrush is doing a good enough job or they find flossing to be too complicated to perform. None of these are true. While your toothbrush does […]
Dance With The Family At Kids’ FUN Stop
Come by the Kids’ FUN Stop on June 2nd for their monthly family dance party. The event features a DJ that will play kid-friendly pop music that you and your kids can dance, shuffle, jump, and do their favorite moves to. Dance parties are open to and geared towards children of any age between 4 […]
Ignoring Oral Issues Can Cost You
From time to time, we may feel like we can just power through certain oral issues that we’re dealing with, even when you don’t know exactly what the problem is. You might have an ache or pain that is bothering you, but you think it could go away if you just wait it out. It’s […]
These Services Can Restore Your Oral Health
Teeth play a huge role in our day to day life but it’s mostly a passive role; rarely do they ever become an active thought in our minds. That being said, cavities or tooth loss can have a huge impact on your oral and overall health. Tooth loss and cavities can be the end result […]
Cosmetic Services For You To Consider
Have you been hiding your smile away because of a damaged tooth? Have you been living with a gummy smile and want to make a change? Do you want to straighten your crooked, misaligned teeth but don’t want to wear clunky metal braces? Whether you’re suffering from one of these issues then you should discuss […]
3 Reasons Why Fluoridated Water Is Great!
“The government is putting stuff in our water, man!” is a phrase you usually hear used by some conspiracy nut in a sci-fi movie, but they are actually right… kind of. The government has been putting fluoride in our public water supplies for well over seventy years now, which has helped to strengthen the enamel […]
Be Cautious Of Medication’s Side Effects
As adults get into their 60s, they can become more prone to cavities than they were even just a few years before. Why is this? It could be a side effect of medications that you’ve been prescribed. Your medication’s side effects can leave you more vulnerable to developing cavities. Cavities can be caused because of […]
Diet Tips That Help Your Waistline And Your Smile
The weather is starting to warm up out there, which means beach season is right around the corner. You want to have the best body you can for that two-piece that you’ve been waiting to bust out, which is an admirable goal. Dieting can be difficult, but there are some simple changes you can make […]
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Dental Crowns Can Restore Your Smile
If you have recently sustained a crack, chip, or cavity in your tooth, the entire structure of that tooth could be compromised. Having a structurally compromised tooth can lead to an unhealthy bite, which can cause even more damage to the compromised tooth, as well as the rest of your mouth. Your dentist can help […]
Take Part In A Goat Yoga Class
Have you ever been interested in participating in yoga classes but are afraid you won’t be able to keep up with the more advanced students? Well the Simmons Farm is not only offering yoga classes for beginners and regular practitioners alike every Tuesday from 6pm to 7:30pm. The yoga class will be among the nature […]