Rest assured that if you are in need of a tooth to be removed, you are in good hands at your local dentist in Shrewsbury, Ma. The dental professionals pride themselves on ensuring a comfortable experience for their patients and minimizing discomfort to little to none. In the unfortunate circumstance of needing a tooth extraction, […]
Clear Braces Quiz: What You Should Know
Adults fret when they desire to straighten their teeth but do not want to use traditional metal braces. Embarrassment that they have to wear braces in general keeps most adults away from correcting their smile. Fortunately, with Clear Correct braces offered at your local Shrewsbury, Ma dental office, you can align your smile for aesthetic […]
Why Pediatric Dentistry Is So Different
Most would assume that a child’s teeth are similar to an adult’s teeth. In most cases, this assumption is true. Enamel make up a large majority of teeth. They’re all rooted in gums and jawbone, and they stimulate blood flow via soft tissues and bone. However, a child’s smile is in flux during development stages and […]
Common Questions About Porcelain Veneers
If you wish your smile were brighter, straighter, and more uniform in appearance, then porcelain veneers can likely help you create the smile you desire. When it comes to cosmetic improvement, porcelain veneers are among the most popular solutions, particularly for patients with stubborn and/or multiple smile issues to contend with. Despite their popularity, however, […]
Sleep Apnea Symptoms and Treatment
Have you begun to wonder why you are suffering from daily fatigue even though you experience sound sleep on a nightly basis? If you suffer from sleep apnea, you may not actually be getting as much shut-eye as you think. Not quite sure what this disorder entails but you find that you are feeling intrigued? We encourage […]
Ultrasonic Scaling: The Future Of Dentistry?
Plaque accumulates on your teeth throughout the day. It’s inevitable. That plaque can actually turn into what’s called tartar: a hardened substance that facilitates gum disease and tooth decay, if you do not brush and floss routinely. You also need to scheduled dental visits to ensure your mouth is healthy. Unfortunately, gingivitis and more serious […]
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What You Need To Know About Dental Implants
Missing or losing a tooth could mean more than just a gap in your smile. Various issues could arise like shifting or bacterial infection. Also, your overall function when speaking or chewing could diminish over time. Some people even report that after losing just one tooth, they have to chew all their food on one […]
Take the Quiz: How Healthy Are Your Teeth?
Maybe you’re an Eagle Scout when it comes to caring for your teeth; or, maybe you’ve misplaced your toothbrush one too many times. Healthy habits are the building blocks for a healthy smile, and your grin could be displaying some signs of trouble to come if you’re not practicing proper care. The good news is […]
What Is a Gummy Smile?
A gummy smile is an informal way of describing an uneven display of your gum tissues, which can cause your smile to seem asymmetrical even when your teeth are perfectly straight. A gummy smile can be caused by a number of factors, from an abnormality in your upper lip’s muscles to an excessive amount of […]
How Many Ways Can You Improve Your Smile?
These days, more people than ever are discovering the joys of a beautiful smile thanks to advanced cosmetic dental procedures. Regardless of the severity of your smile’s blemishes, there is likely a cosmetic solution that will not only improve your smile, but do so in a conservative, minimally-invasive manner. From erasing teeth stains in a single […]